listen. connect. learn.
Jan. 26, 2024

What is Greetings Therapist?

What is Greetings Therapist?


Welcome and greetings, friends! You have arrived at the Greetings Therapist community. Our website is We are an online directory and podcast of down to earth, practical interviews with mental health professionals in your local community. We interview licensed mental health providers so you can learn more about the therapists in your area and the types and varieties of therapy they're offering. Each of our interviews has two goals. The first is we want to draw out the personality of the therapist so you can get a sense if he or she will be the right fit for you. We believe that fit really matters. Do you connect with this person? Do you want to work with this particular therapist? There are a lot of people out there doing therapy. And it's really great if you can find out who the right person is for you. The second thing we want to accomplish in our interviews is to get very clear and very specific about the types of therapy being offered. There are many different schools and orientations and approaches to therapy. And on top of that, there's also a lot of jargon and sort of complex language about therapy that most people just don't understand. We're going to ask our therapists to really break down what they do. So it's understandable and you can figure out what might work for you. A very important note here. We are not in any way a referral service. We are strictly education and information. It is up to you to check your therapist's license and standing. We think that with both more education and information, you will have a greater chance of finding the right person and the right type of therapy for you. Onboarding to therapy takes a lot of work and we're here to offer high quality, high integrity, first hand information about the resources in your community. a wonderful experience in therapy can be life changing. So enjoy our interviews. Thank you so much for being here and welcome to Greetings Therapist.